Monday, 16 November 2009

Dolphin watching in the Philippines

One of the nice things you can do while in the Philippines is to go dolphin watching (provided not too many boats/tourists are out there). But you’ll have to wake up really early (5.30am!) for this opportunity. That’s sunrise time.


After about 20 minutes out on the boat, we spotted a group of dolphins!! It was really nice to see them swimming freely and playing around. They were jumping out of the water, and doing some stunts even (show off!). They followed our boat for sometime, then just swam away.

jumping following the boat pink bellied dolphins

show off!

1 comment:

~CovertOperations78~ said...

How good for the soul it is, to see dolphins at play! I hope they will always remain safe, healthy and protected. I must go dolphin-watching before I die. Not too happy with the early hours but it's going to be worth it!