Sunday, 14 March 2010

Life goes on in Bangkok

You hear rumours of the gathering. People warning you to be careful, even stock up on food, just in case. They say that 1 million people will gather. Rumours of violence.
However, life goes on as usual. You get up on Sunday, the day of the red-shirt protests, and nothing feels unusual. News reports from 10,000 to 150,000 supporters have gathered together in protests. It is mostly a peaceful protest. Heck, I even went and watched a movie (Food, Inc – go watch if you want to know about the conspiracy behind food).
Anyway, lets hope nothing else happens. We shall see what happens tomorrow afternoon, when the deadline that they supposedly give the current prime minister to dissolve parliament.
What is true “democracy” anyway?


~CovertOperations78~ said...

Wow Dr Nat, the Thais sound like a really resilient bunch to be able to go on with life as they do. It all sounds like a big adventure to me. I'd want an excuse for a day off work, ha ha. "Can't come in to work today, boss, the redshirts have blocked my entire street".

nat said...

Haha... actually we really can say that. Last Friday we were told to "work from home"